During the many many many hours spent on etsy I have come across so many amazing artists & their delicious items. I am going to be compliling and collecting them during the week to present to you every Monday. The first weeks theme of course had to be...BANANAS!!
I would love to say that I know what I'm doing, but truth is...I'm just winging it! :o) I have my blog all set up at www.scribblemonkey.vox.com and I really don't want to switch. Seems daunting! But a bunch of people seem to be on blogspot. Drop me a note and let me know what your advice on this epic dillema is. Blogspot vs. Vox...who will win?? In the meanwhile, you can check scribblemonkey out at:www.scribblemonkey.etsy.comwww.twitter.com/scribblemonkeyswww.scribblemonkey.vox.comphheww! Pretty soon, I won't be able to write my name without a .com after it.